Member of SCNAT

SGS promotes the geological sciences in Switzerland. It publishes the “Swiss Journal of Geosciences” and organises scientific symposia, meetings of the stakeholders of the scientific community and thematic excursions.more

Image: Naturmotive, stock-adobe.commore

Swiss Tectonics Studies Group, Field excursion 2023

Meeting place

Brugg, AG

The easternmost Jura Mountains revisited following Nagra’s regional exploration: Extent, Age and Impact

Landschaft (Symbolbild)
Image: momosu,

The next STSG field excursion will occur on September 16th to 17th, 2023. This year's STSG excursion will lead into the easternmost Jura mountains, a region whose tectonics have been intensively investigated by Nagra including field work, seismic surveying and deep exploration drilling. During the first day, some key outcrops around Brugg/Baden will be visited to discuss structure, extent and age of this part of the thrust-belt. On the second day, Nagra will kindly provide access to its corelab where we will be able to study drillcores from the evaporitic section representing the décolllement horizon of the thrust belt and the above-lying units including the Opalinus Clay.

See the PDF flyer for more information!

Dr. Herfried Madritsch (SwissTopo)
Dr. Raphael Schneeberger (Nagra)
Dr. Vénice Akker (ETH Zürich)
