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SGS promotes the geological sciences in Switzerland. It publishes the “Swiss Journal of Geosciences” and organises scientific symposia, meetings of the stakeholders of the scientific community and thematic excursions.more

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Former Niggli Medal winners

2023 - Christian Renggli (Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany)

In recognition of his outstanding research using experimental methods to understand the properties of gas-solid reactions in volcanic systems on Earth, the Moon and Mercury. The citation from Prof. Stephan Klemme (Universität Münster) and the response of the awardee was published in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2022 - Juliana Troch (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

In recognition of her innovative research combining field work, experimental petrology and modelling to understand the evolution of fluids in magmatic systems. The award ceremony took place during the 2022 SGM meeting in Lausanne. The citation from Prof. P. Ulmer and the response of Dr. Troch is published in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2021 - Arya Udry (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA)

In recognition of her innovative research in the field of igneous petrology, geochemistry and thermodynamic modeling of Martian meteorites to understand planetary igneous differentiation processes. The award ceremony took place during the 2021 virtual SGM meeting in Geneva. The citation from Prof. O. Müntener and the response of the awardee are published in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences (volume 114, article 23).

2020 - Andres J. McCarthy

In recognition of his innovative research in the field of trans-crustal igneous petrology, mantle processes and large-scale geodynamics from rifting to subduction initiation using field observations, drill core data and modrn analytical techniques.
Citation by Othmar Müntener in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2019 - Jonas B. Ruh (ETH Zürich)

In recognition of his outstanding research in the field of structural geology and geodynamics, combining numerical modelling and field observation to understand large scale tectonic processes.
Citation by Taras Gerya in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2018 - Nicolas D. Greber (Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève)

In recognition of his excellent research on magmatic processes, core-mantle differentiation and the chemical evolution of the continental crust through time using novel analytical techniques.
Citation by Thomas Nägler in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2018 - Johannes Hämmerli (Washington State University, USA)

In recognition of his excellent research on fluids and element mobility during metamorphism, on crustal differentiation and evolution with applications to ore deposit formation using novel microanalytical techniques.
Citation by Jörg Hermann in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2017 - Mélanie Barboni (Arizona State University, USA)

In recognition of her outstanding research achievements in magmatic petrology, notably the innovative combination of geology, geochemistry and the physical time scales of pluton emplacement and crystallisation.
Citation by Francois Bussy and Lukas Baumgartner in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2016 - Matthias Meier (Natural History Museum, St. Gallen)

In recognition of his outstanding research contributions to the study of fossil meteorites and of noble gases in extraterrestrial samples. Citation by Ch. Heinrich in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2015 - Marcel Frehner (Teacher at Erlen, Emmenbrücke)

For his research combining rock physics, tectonics and numerical modelling of geological processes.
Citation by Stefan Schmalholz in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2013 - Baptiste Dafflon (Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, USA)

For his original research contributions to the geophysical exploration of aquifers and permafrost environments.
Citation in Elements and in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2012 - Boris J. P. Kaus (Geophysics and Geodynamics Group at University of Mainz, Germany)
for his research linking geodynamics, structural geology, magmatic and metamorphic petrology and Earth surface processes through numerical modeling.
Citation in Elements.

2010 - Christian Huber (Brown University, USA)

For his research into magma chamber processes and volcanic eruptions, by integrating petrology with fluid dynamics of melts, crystals and hydrothermal fluids in novel numerical models.
Citation in Elements.

2009 - Alain Burgisser (Institut des Sciences de la Terre at Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France)

For his research in volcanology, in particular his physical modeling of magma chamber processes and volcanic eruptions.
Citation in Elements.

2008 - Olivier Reubi (Institut des Sciences de la Terre at Uni Lausanne)

For his research in volcanology, notably his innovative and rigorous application of melt inclusion geochemistry to decipher the origin of andesitic magmas.
Citation in Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2007 - Maria Schönbächler (Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology at ETH Zurich)

In recognition of her research on the earliest history of our solar system and the differentiation of Earth’s core and mantle, as deduced from the mineralogy and isotope geochemistry of meteorites and lunar samples, using novel analytical techniques.
Citation in Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2006 - Sébastien Pilet (Institut des Sciences de la Terre at Uni Lausanne)

For his research on basalt petrogenesis and the geochemistry of the Earth’s mantle, notably his petrographic and mineral-chemical evidence for the role of mantle metasomatism in the generation of ocean island basalts.
Citation in Swiss Journal of Geosciences.

2005 - Lukas Keller (University of Applied Science, Winterthur)

Für seine bahnbrechenden Beiträge zur Kristallingeologie und alpinen Tektonik, sowie zur Phasenpetrologie metamorpher Gesteine in den Zentralalpen. Citation in SMPM.

2004 - Olivier Bachmann (Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology at ETH Zurich)

Für seine wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Vulkanologie und magmatischen Petrologie saurer Magmen, und der Erforschung von dynamischen Prozessen in Magmenkammern und von Eruptionsmechanismen bei Caldera-Ausbrüchen.
Citation in SMPM.

2003 - Andreas Audetat (Bavarian Research Institute of Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics at University of Bayreuth, Germany)

In Anerkennung seiner Arbeiten zur hydrothermalen Geochemie und Lagerstättenkunde, insbesondere für seinen Beitrag an die Entwicklung der LA-ICPMS-Technik zur Untersuchung von Fluid-Einschlüssen und deren Anwendung auf magmatisch-hydrothermale Lagerstätten.
Citation in SMPM.

2001 - Werner Halter (Climate Services SA)

In Anerkennung seiner Leistungen auf den Gebiet der magmatisch-hydrothermalen Erzlagerstättengenese, mittles Feldarbeit, Laborexperimenten, thermodynamischen Modellrechnungen und der Entwicklung neuer mikroanalytischer Methoden für Schmelzeinschlüsse.
Citation in SMPM.

2000 - Balz Kamber (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

In Anerkennung seiner Arbeiten zur Geochronologie von metamorphen Mineralien, sowie zur Wachstumsgeschichte der kontinentalen Kruste, durch Integration von Mineralogie Petrographie und geochemischer Modellierung.
Citation in SMPM.

2000 - Othmar Muntener (Institut des Sciences de la Terre at Université de Lausanne)
and Jörg Hermann (Institute of Geological Sciences at the University of Bern)

In Anerkennung ihrer Arbeiten über petrologische und strukturgeologische Beziehungen zwischen Erdmantel und Erdkruste in den Alpen sowie über die Exhumation tiefliegender Gesteine bei der Bildung passiver Kontinentalränder.
Citation in SMPM.

1998 - Jean-Claude Vannay (Musée Cantonal de Géologie, Lausanne)

In Anerkennung seiner Forschungstätigkeit in den Alpen und im Himalaya, vor allem für seinen Beitrag zur petrologischen Deutung der inversen Metamorphose am Main Central Thrust mit Hilfe von Thermobarometrie und stabilen Isotopen.
Citation in SMPM.

1995 - Martin Kunz (Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, USA)

In Anerkennung seiner kristallographischen Arbeiten zur Ordnung von Al und Si in Feldspäten, zur experimentellen Kristallchemie von d°-Übergangsmetallen und zur Hochdruck-Hochtemperatur-Kristallchemie.
Citation in SMPM.

1993 - Reto Giere (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

Für seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten zur quantitativen Erfassung der Umwandlung, Verdrängung und Verwitterung von Mineralien durch hydrothermale Prozessen in Kontaktaureolen granitoider Intrusionen.
Citation in SMPM.

1992 - Peter Ulmer (Prof. Emeritus Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology at ETH Zurich)

In Anerkennung seiner Arbeiten über Differentiationsprozesse kalk-alkaliner und alkaliner Magmen sowie seiner grundlegenden Experimente zur Bestimmung der Gleichgewichtsphasen und deren physikalischen Eigenschaften in magmatischen Systemen.
Citation in SMPM.

1992 - Beda A. Hofmann (Museum of Natural History and University of Bern)

In Anerkennung seiner erzmineralogischen Untersuchungen, speziell der geochemischen Ursachen von Verwitterungserscheinungen in Erzlagerstätten, der Bildung von Reduktionshöfen in Redbeds und des Transports seltener Elemente und Kolloide durch Grundwasser.
Citation in SMPM.

1990 - Lukas Baumgartner (Prof. Emeritus Institut des sciences de la Terre at Uni Lausanne)

In Anerkennung seiner Arbeiten über geochemische und thermodynamische Grundlagen der Metamorphose, Gleichgewichtmodelle fluider Phasen mit Mineralien bei hohem Druck und hoher Temperatur und über den Transport stabiler Isotope.
Citation in SMPM.

1988 - Christoph A. Heinrich (Prof. Emeritus ETH Zürich and Uni Zurich)

Als ersten Preisträger wählte der Stiftungsrat Christoph A. Heinrich, in Anerkennung seiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten über die petrologische Entwicklung eklogitischer Gesteine, über Hochdruckmetamorphose im allgemeinen, sowie über die Geochemie von Arsen in hydrothermalen Erzlagerstätten.
Citation in SMPM.

Last check on affiliation of each awardee: November 2nd, 2023