General Meeting of the Swiss Palaeontological Society (SPG/SPS)

Excursion and General Assembly 2023 of the Swiss Palaeontological Society (SPG/SPS) at the «Musée paléoécologique» of Cerin/Marchamps (France)
August 25th and 26th, 2023
The excursion took us to the “Musée paleoécologique” of Cerin/Marchamps (France), the former quarry in the plate limestone of the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) and the dinosaur tracks of La Plagne/“Dinoplagne”. Further information about the general meeting can be found in the 2024 edition of Nerinea.
The 2023 Amanz-Gressly price goes to Ursina Bachmann.
Announcement of SPG/SPS general meeting 2024 with excursion
The next general meeting will be on the weekend of August 17th and 18th, 2024, at in the Mammoth Museum in Niederweningen. The excursion will take you to the former limestone quarries of Dielsdorf-Steinmaur (Upper Jurassic and Eocene fissure fillings) and to outcrops of the Molasse in eastern Switzerland.