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Award Ceremony for the Prix Schläfli in Mathematics 2024


16:15 - 17:15

Luogo della manifestazione

EPFL Campus
Room CE1 5

The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) is awarding the Prix Schläfli 2024 to the four most important insights of young researchers at Swiss universities. Jonathan Gruber has been awarded by the Prix Schläfli "Mathematics" 2024 for breaking down multidimensional objects into coordinates.

Prix Schläfli 2024 / Jonathan Gruber
Immagine: Phyllis Kai Ling Brown

Gruber's dissertation at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) explored a sub-area of representation theory. Roughly speaking, representation theory deals with symmetries of spaces and algebraic objects, such as a cube. Symmetries of this sort can be described mathematically in a coordinate system. But as well as relatively simple objects such as a cube, there are also more complex objects with much higher dimensions. These can be fragmented into smaller objects, so to speak. The coordinates of a three-dimensional object can then be multiplied by those of a four-dimensional object, resulting in twelve dimensions – and an object that is far more complex than the two original objects. These are known as tensor products.

Awarded Article: "Generic direct summands of tensor products for simple algebraic groups and quantum groups at roots of unity." Jonathan Gruber.

The award ceremony takes place during the conference "Groups and Representation Theory in Lausanne 2024".

  • Jonathan Gruber (right) with his doctoral mother, Donna Testerman (left).
  • Jonathan Gruber presents his work during the award ceremony.
  • The prize is handed over by the president of the Prix Schläfli jury, Alain Valette (right).
  • Jonathan Gruber (right) with his doctoral mother, Donna Testerman (left).Immagine: SCNAT1/3
  • Jonathan Gruber presents his work during the award ceremony.Immagine: SCNAT2/3
  • The prize is handed over by the president of the Prix Schläfli jury, Alain Valette (right).Immagine: SCNAT3/3
